
Comic Title: SideChicks

Comic Creator(s): Bill Williams, Francisco Rodriguez de la Fuente, Walter Geovani, and Thom Zahler

Comic Type: Comic strip format on the online web pag

Comic Genre: Action and Adventure

Soft/Hard Copy: Soft

Comic Publisher:

Comic Starting Year:

Comic Pages: 36 pages

Comic Status: Running

Comic Appeal: This comic appeals to any one who loves heroine detective/mystery comics or just like to read about women beating up some guys.

Comic Plot: A female bodyguard fails on a mission she was assigned by her boss. Angered by her failure she is out for revenge on the mastermind behind the loss of her client.

Comic Uniqueness: The story has some unique villains and heroes. The women really take the front seat in this comic.

Comic Criticisms: Uses seductive measures to sell a story. The online comic is only one panel updates.

Comic URL: Sidechicks Comic

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